About Kylie Ross

Ola, people! We're Kyan and Evelyn and together we blog as Kylie Ross! You may wonder, 'Why Kylie Ross?' and here, let us tell you. Kylie Ross is just a name we came up with, a really random one. We actually wanted Kylie Rose but Rose was auto-corrected to Ross. Blame technology. The idea of setting up a blog like such has been quite a while. We talk about clothes, shoes and food all the time so we might as well have a blog and share with everyone rather than just us. Our lives resemble a story and at every point there is something new and no matter how good or bad it is, we put our experiences in words. Every human is capable of being an author. Letting their creativity flow and putting experiences into a perfect story.That is exactly what we aim to do!

So, do stick with us for your dose of fashion, where to eat and more! Follow us on Twitter (@fashiongeekclub) or drop us an email at fashiongeekclub@gmail.com. Looking forward to hear from you guys!

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!

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